
While I believe YOU are your very best teacher, there are of many teachers of yoga and spirituality (including THE teacher, the Divine), authors, poets and artists who have inspired me in my journey of self-realisation.

I’ve listed some of these powerful teachings here, in the hope they may inspire you too. And I will keep adding to this as it continues in this life.

I honour my teachers and the teacher within.

om shanti xx


It takes a lot of courage to live in this world, at this time. We can’t allow the despair that we could fall into to cripple us. Because if that happens, then what? So, we have to fight against the despair, against all the things that tend to cripple us and take our hope away. But it’s not about the outside world. This world is made up of us. All of us. We have to find that inner strength and the courage to go on and do what we feel we have to do with our lives, right now, regardless of how it looks to us out there.” - Krishna Das

Let the rivers of the Names take you. Let yourself float in the beauty of your own heart, into the ocean of Love that fills all space. That always is, that only is. - Krishna Das

The heart is like a mirror. When we dust it off, we are able to see ourselves. Guilt, anger.. this "‘stuff’ is reflected back to us. Practice resmoves the dust from the mirror of our hearts. - Krishna Das

Yoga is a technology for arriving in this present moment. It is a means of waking up from our spiritual amnesia, so we can remember all that we already know.” - Donna Farhi

Asato ma sadgamaya tamaso ma jyotirgamaya. mrtyorma amrtam gamaya. om shanti shanti shanti. - The Divine


“The Name is the name of your true nature. Of the place within you that is joy, peace, bliss. The kind of bliss that doesn’t come and go. It’s the kind of bliss that you are. One can’t see it from here, it’s covered up. The name is a door. We are in a room made of [mind] stuff. The name is a door out of that room and into real Love. Love that doesn’t come and go. Love that is vast and includes everything and everyone.” - Krishna Das

Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow. ~River Phoenix

Any man’s death diminishes me. Because I am involved in mankind. Therefore, never send to know who the bell tolls for. It tolls for thee.
- John Donne

Walk as though you are kissing the earth with your feet. - Thich Nhat Hanh


"You’re never alone, even in what you think are your weakest moments. You have thousands of years of powerful ancestors within you, the love of the Divine Great One in you, supreme intellect and royalty in you. Infinite strength is always on tap for you.” - Author Unknown

Guru bramha, guru vishnu, guru devo maheshwara. Guru shakshat, parambramha tasmai shri gurudev namaha. - The Divine

Bringing tears to my eyes is this beautiful healing corroboree by the Yuin Indigenous Australians, aimed at helping to heal the land, spirit and people.

Image thanks to Chiara Polo x